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Humanitarian Relief

Humanitarian Relief

The United States Government provides humanitarian programs to furnish visas to individuals in need of shelter, aid, or other urgent circumstances. You may be in a situation that allows for protection and could give you access to a certain visa under one of the humanitarian programs, but you are not aware of it. Let SFR Law Corporation help you to identify if you may be eligible for a humanitarian visa.


Regardless of your gender, you should not have to remain in an abusive relationship, or return to one, because you lack legal status. If you have been victim of a crime, you should not be afraid to report it and assist law enforcement because you are afraid you will be deported, together we can strive for a safer America for everybody.


Children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected by their parents should have a chance to reunite with family members or a person willing to be their guardians in the United States, who can care for them and protect them. 


If you are an immigrant who is a victim of, or has survived, domestic violence or have been a victim of crime and assisted law enforcement, you may be eligible to apply to remain legally in the United States. Abused, abandoned, or neglected immigrant children may also be eligible for protection. If you feel you are in a situation similar to the ones described above, contact us, we will review your case.


You may also be interested in attending to one of our free clinics to understand the humanitarian relief that the American Government provides. It is scary and stressful to talk about one’s own survival story, but you can feel safe and learn about humanitarian relief as part of a group before deciding to take the next step.



If you are currently in the US and believe you may have a claim for asylum, file your petition as soon as possible! You have a deadline of one year after you entered the United States to present your claim for asylum.


Thousands of children, families, men, and women flee to the United States to escape terrifying conditions in their home countries. If you left your home country because you were harmed or fear you will be harmed if you return, contact us; together, we can review your story to see if you are eligible for help to remain in the United States. We help refugees and asylum seekers to apply to remain legally in the United States so that they do not have to fear the violence and threats that await them if they are returned to their home countries.


We invite you to read on to learn more about what asylum is, who may obtain this protection and the benefits of it.

What is Asylum?

Asylum is a legal protection that the Government may grant to people who have come to the United States and are afraid to return to their home country. You can apply for asylum regardless of whether you entered the United States legally, or you did not enter at an appropriate port of entry.


You may apply for asylum if you have suffered persecution, or are afraid you will be persecuted if you return to your home country due to:

  • Your race, 

  • Your religion

  • Your nationality

  • Your membership in a particular social group

  • Your political opinion

If you are uncertain whether you suffered persecution, but you are afraid that somebody will hurt you, or you believe that your life may be in danger if you return to your country, let us help you explore your options. 

Benefits of Asylum

If you are successful in your asylum case, you will be allowed to:

  • Live in the United States

  • Work in the United States, and obtain a work permit as proof of your eligibility to work

  • Petition to bring your spouse and children to the United States

  • Apply for Permanent Residency, a path to citizenship

  • Travel outside of the United States


You may file if you have never had any contact with immigration services, or if you are in removal proceedings.


If you believe you may have a claim for asylum, contact us to find the best way to ask for this protection. Together we can find a secure and thriving future for you in the USA.

VAWA - Visa for Victims of Domestic Violence

Sometimes we find ourselves in a difficult situation in which we think that the law is not doing enough to protect us, and there are times where we only need to find a regulation that may provide us with security, freedom, and relief. SFR Law Corporation is here to help you explore if you may fit within a category that will allow you to be free from an abusive relationship.


First, you need to keep in mind that regardless of its name The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) applies to both, women and men. VAWA was created to allow victims to seek safety and independence from their abuser. Thus, it helps victims of domestic abuse to report the abuse and seek a benefit without worrying about their immigration status or revealing the process to the abuser.


Following, in order to use VAWA to break free from the abuser's control, you need to file a “self-petition” and must be able to prove that the abuse occurred. It is called a “self-petition” because it allows the victim to confidentially file without knowledge of the abuser; thereby, allowing the victim to leave the abuser after lawful permanent resident status has been obtained.


A self-petition can be filed by any immigrant victims of domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse, and the petitioner/victim must have good moral character.

Who can file:
  • The abused spouse of a U.S. citizen, green card holder, or permanent resident.

  • The parent of a child who has been abused by the other parent whom is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

  • The parent of a U.S. citizen who has been abused by his/her U.S. citizen son or daughter.

  • A child under age 21, and unmarried, who has been abused by his/her U.S. citizen or permanent resident parent. 

  • A person after age 21 but before age 25 if she/he can demonstrate that the abuse was the main reason for the delay in filing.

Benefits of VAWA
  • Confidentiality, your abuser will not be aware of the process until you are safe.

  • You can apply for a visa or permanent residency

  • You can obtain a work permit

  • If in deportation proceedings, your deportation may be canceled.


At SFR Law Corporation we are glad we can help survivors of violence to find Security, Freedom, and Relief. We pledge to be with you at all stages of your process; keeping you informed and having confidentiality as a priority. You can break free and you don’t have to do it alone, we are here to help.

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